

     Lately, we´ve been talking about lettering in AV class. We learnt some different tips on this subjet and we realized that now a days, lettering is used in promoting brands. Every brand has its name written in its own way as we can contemplate here:

This one includes a drawing in the brand lettering. The draw is a big farmhouse whitch means that it is a home-made product.
In this one, we can see a leaf in the top of the "I" as part of the lettering. The leaf is used like this because it´s a brand that sells vegetal milk.

This brand tried to use this lettering to impress the client. The gold color is associated to the glamour and that´s why it is used in this case. This wine means glamour, luxury, extravagance and riches.

 They all use different colors and caligraphies to send a message and in this way we also recognize the brand.

     Here you have some different calligraphies I tried with the same meaning: WELCOME!
It was hard to do this artwork because Im not used to it, but I tried to do my best.

                                                                                      Hope you liked it ;)


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