
Showing posts from April, 2019

Campaign slogans

Hi! Now that the elections are here, we have to analyse the different slogans of the parties in Spain. - PP: Valor seguro. ​ - PSOE: La España que quieres y Haz que pase. ​ - Unidas Podemos : La historia la escribes tú. - Ciudadanos: ¡Vamos! Ciudadanos. ​ - ERC-Soberanistes : Va de llibertat. ('Va de libertad').​ - EAJ-PNV: Nos mueve Euskadi. Zurea, gurea. ('Lo tuyo, lo nuestro').​ - JxCat : Tu ets la nostra veu. Tu ets la nostra força. ('Eres nuestra voz. Eres nuestra fuerza'). - Vox: Por España. - EH Bildu: Erabaki. ('Para avanzar'). - PACMA: ReEvolución.

Radio programme

Hi there! Until now we have been working in videos, but this time we will focus on audios. Our teacher asked us to record information about a song as a radio program. We collected information about the song “This is me”: meaning of the lyrics, musical analysis, group biography… And using this, we have created our “Radio Programme”. Hope you like it: RADIO PROGRAMME Enyel❤

Arts and Sciences

Hello: The last class we talked about the matter of arts and science and Patxixa told us to record ourselves giving our opinion. Here you have mine:         Record_opinion Enyel❤


Hi!    Nowadays, the issue of Brexit is being widely debated all over Europe, and we've also spoken about that at class. We've read some sheets of information about it and we've created this questionnaire: BREXIT QUESTIONNAIRE . Hope you like it Enyel ❤